Thursday, January 5, 2012

Vote Rick Santorum for President; If You Want A Mini Hitler.

Rick Santorum shows a trick learned on the road.
It’s a balmy Thursday night but sweat made the back of my shirt feel wet. I sipped my over priced coffee waiting for Rick Santorum’s number one fan (as he called himself) I almost wanted to jump out of my seat when I heard my name come out of the lips of a chubby guy in too-tight jeans; this couldn’t be J. Smith I thought; he was too feminine to be a so-called Christian conservative; who breathlessly told me over the phone that If we elect Santorum for President it will; let me quote him here, “Stop all dem queers from getting hitched; get the blacks off Welfare; same dem abort babies and keep the Mexicans out of our country.”

After buying him a coffee we sat down next to two chatty teenage girls. Ignoring them I wanted to understand more about Rick Santorum. I knew little about him until his shocking second-place finish in Iowa, which came after months of dragging his bad suits throughout the state’s 99 counties and more than 350 town halls campaigning. Wisely instead of asking J. Smith what Rick Santorum was all about I did some research on what Santorum stands for. I’d just like to remark that every time I spoke to J. Smith he picked his private parts and it was off putting; nerveless it didn’t slow me down and like my dog Dante, I like to dig.

Rick Santorum on:

Contraception: Santorum has preached to repeal all federal funding for contraception and allow the states to outlaw birth control, insisting that “it’s a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be.” Too bad your mother didn’t practice this Ricky boy.

Poor People With Cell Phones: In August, Santorum said that people who can’t afford health care should stop whining about the high costs of medical treatments, medications and spend less on non essentials like cell phones. Santorum explained that health care, like a car, is a luxury resource that is rationed by society.”OK I get it Ricky; you have to be good enough (meaning white & wealthy) to have health care and if you’re so sick, why should you have a phone?

Dan Savage & Hubby, Ricky no likey gay lovey.
Gays: swearing to the heavens that gay relationships “destabilize” society, Santorum wouldn’t offer any legal protections to gay relationships and has pledged to annul all same-sex marriages if elected President. During his 99-country tour of Iowa, fatty Santorum frequently compared same-sex relationships to inanimate objects like beer, basketballs, trees, and paper towels and even blamed the economic crisis on gay people. I can’t even make a joke here; this guy is really moronic, and really dangerous.

J. Smith told me that Santorum was going to make a better America; it made me think as he wiped his dripping nose on his sleeve; we all have religions or things we believe in; some people think there is a God; some go with notion that a fortune teller can predict their future. We all will never think the same and that’s what makes America great; so why do Republicans always try to win votes by denouncing other minority groups; if there is a God; he will judge me and some bigoted politician who doesn’t give a crap about anything but power and seeing his name in print.

Do as I say says Hitler like Santorum.
 J. Smith smirked when I told him how I felt about Santorum, adding, “It’s time the whites are back in power.” I had to laugh when he said this, in this day and age that someone could be so stupid, and here in New York, kicked me so hard I needed a good drink.

I’m not into politics; I’m neither a Democrat nor a Republican but I won’t vote for a bigot; there should never be a my-way-or-no way attitude when it comes to the man or a woman who has the power to push the “button.” Voting for a scoundrel like Rick Santorum is like spiting on all the graves of the men and women who fault to make our country diverse and free. I’m not sure whom I will be voting for, but I won’t be voting for monster that has no human compassion. Rick Santorum is not a leader; he is a horrible zealot that shouldn’t be able to run up a hill, let alone this great country of ours, amen.

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